We can easily think of white sapphire or zircon. They are only worth a fraction of the price of diamonds because of market conditions, which means they do not look like a diamond by the customers all over the world. But more and more we can see a new trend that started in the jewelry industry. The artistic designers and creators have been using white diamonds and other white gems. They have been used so much in the market. Something new must be made and we now see high-end jewelry using different colors. They even use the natural and the artificial white diamonds make them colorful, they then can be called the Blue Diamonds, although the color is not natural. their customers still appreciate them because they wear name.

Safir is always in the imagination and minds of people since a very long time. The blue color and light of this precious stone can not be compared with another gem. You may also hear about what we call fancy sapphire. This is all the sapphires that come under a different color then blue. They can be pink, purple, green, orange yellow, and black. Yes, black sapphire, probably the least known of all of them. But it has all the characteristics of a natural sapphire when they came under a black color, they become the most interesting part of each precious stone black. They are hard and resistant as corundum all. They shine and sparkle because of the physical properties of natural sapphire make it attractive sheen.