Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Natural But Still Wonderful Ruby Ring Gemstones

Natural ruby ring is always associated with passion and love and has been for centuries. This is one stone that represents the rock navagraha and also associated with the soul. Gemstone second hardest after diamond, rubies are extremely rare in nature because it takes a complicated process to form.

There is a fake ruby sold in markets like synthetic ruby. It is quite difficult to compare one with the fake natural ruby. Several other stimulants such as zircon, tourmaline, and bixbite also sold in the market and you need to explain the quality of the enlargement.

Always be careful when buying a ruby ring and avoid from dealing with known dealers or auction sites. You need to ensure that rings are certified by leading laboratories, especially when you buy the expensive ring that usually come in more than 3 carats. It is very difficult to determine the real value of the gemstone ruby or other gemstone.

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