Sunday, March 6, 2011

Best Brazilian Amethysts in the World

Brazil is also the source of the most highly regarded one of the most beautiful gemstones: amethyst that. As the world's biggest and best producers of this compelling, purple gems, mines in Brazil regularly churn out amethysts of clarity spectacular, with colors ranging from pale lavender to a rich, dark purple. The main rock quarry located in Bahia Brazil, Maraba, Minas Gerais and Rio Grande do Sul. Here amethysts found in vugs or cavities made of gas bubbles formed when volcanic lava produced thousands of years ago began to cool.

Over time these cavities filled with water and dissolved minerals from surrounding rock into it, which then crystallize and become amethysts.
Amethyst gets its name 'from the Greek word "a" and "methustos" meaning "not drunk" because it never believed that wearing a gemstone can prevent its owner from drunkenness and wine glasses were lined with ancient Greece. It is the gemstone for July and the zodiac birthstone for Pisces and make the perfect gift for those born in this month and below this mark.

They are often found in groups of crystals, known as geodes, and regarded as a form of quartz, show a similar transparency and shiny. Composed of silica crystals, unique purple amethysts But now believed to be a result of the interaction between the trace elements iron and aluminum, although in the past it has been associated with other impurities including manganese and sulfur. It is accepted in trade jewelry amethysts most will have some type of heat treatment to enhance color. When exposed to extreme heat or light though, amethysts can be yellow so it is important to keep them from various sources of strong heat.

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